We are proud to be National Collection Holders of Sidalcea & have been growing & collecting this elegant hardy perennial for many years.
Sidalcea is a plant in the Malvaceae family – its name being a compound of both Sida and Alcea, related genera.
It is a hardy clump-forming perennial and resembles a small Hollyhock and is an absolute must in a cottage garden and mixed herbaceous borders. Sidalcea also works well as a container plant. They flourish in both full sun and part shade.
They are available in a hue of pinks from the pale ‘Elsie Heugh’ to the deep sultry tones of ‘Wine Red’ and many shades in between. The crisp white Sidalcea blooms of candida are stunning.
Upright stems above a mound of attractive rounded fresh green foliage (and interesting ‘hen’s feet-shaped second tier of foliage) form spires with many mallow-like flowers from end of June to the first frosts with a little deadheading. Snipping off spent flower spires and the side branching shoots will continue the flowering fiesta.
Salvia, Penstemon, Achillea and Physostegia are just some of the hardy perennials we love to combine with our Sidalcea. Combinations of these can often be seen woven into our displays in the Floral Marquees at the events we attend, as well as in our own garden areas.